There are two related measures of fluid viscosityĪbsolute viscosity - coefficient of absolute viscosity - is a measure of internal resistance.
viscosity is the measure of a fluid's resistance to flow.The shear resistance in a fluid is caused by inter-molecular friction exerted when layers of fluid attempt to slide by one another. The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to gradual deformation by shear stress or tensile stress. Chern.- Permissions.Viscosity is an important fluid property when analyzing liquid behavior and fluid motion near solid boundaries. Lashof).- 67] Differential Geometry and Integral Geometry.- 77] On the Isometry of Compact Submanifolds in Euclidean Space (with Chuan-chih Hsiung).- 80] Hermitian Vector Bundles and the Equidistribution of the Zeroes of their Holomorphic Sections (with Raoul Bott).- List of Ph.D Theses Written Under the Supervision of S.S. Kuiper).- 53] Relations Between Riemannian and Hermitian Geometries.- 56] La G om trie des Sous-Vari t's d'un Espace Euclidien a Plusieurs Dimensions.- 57] An Elementary Proof of the Existence of Isothermal Parameters on a Surface.- 58] On Special W-Surfaces.- 59] On Curvature and Characteristic Classes of a Riemann Manifold.- 64] A Proof of the Uniqueness of Minkowski's Problem for Convex Surfaces.- 66] On the Total Curvature of Immersed Manifolds, II (with Richard K. Spanier).- 46] Differential Geometry of Fiber Bundles.- 48] On the Kinematic Formula in the Euclidean Space of n Dimensions.- 49] lie Cartan and his Mathematical Work (with Claude Chevalley).- 50] Some Theorems on the Isometric Imbedding of Compact Riemann Manifolds in Euclidean Space (with Nicolaas H.
1] Pairs of Plane Curves with Points in One-to-One Correspondence.- 3] Associate Quadratic Complexes of a Rectilinear Congruence.- 6] Sur la G om trie d'une quation Diff rentielle du Troisi me Ordre.- 8] On Projective Normal Coordinates.- 9] On Two Affine Connections.- 10] Sur la G om trie d'un Syst me d' quations Diff rentielles du Second Ordre.- 12] Sur les Invariants Int graux en G om trie.- 14] Sur une G n ralisation d'une Formule de Crofton.- 15] Sulla Formula Principale Cinematica dello Spazio ad n dimensioni (with Chih-ta Yen).- 17] Sur les Invariants de Contact en G om trie Projective Diff rentielle.- 20] The Geometry of Isotropic Surfaces.- 21] On a Weyl Geometry Defined from an (n - 1) Parameter Family of Hypersurfaces in a Space of n Dimensions.- 22] On the Euclidean Connections in a Finsler Space.- 24] Laplace Transforms of a Class of Higher Dimensional Varieties in a Projective Space of n Dimensions.- 26] Integral Formulas for the Characteristic Classes of Sphere Bundles.- 29] Some New Characterizations of the Euclidean Sphere.- 32] Some New Viewpoints in Differential Geometry in the Large.- 34] Differential Geometry in Symplectic Space I (with Hsien-chung Wang).- 40] Note on Projective Differential Line Geometry.- 42] Local Equivalence and Euclidean Connections in Finsler Spaces.- 43] The Imbedding Theorem for Fibre Bundles (with Yi-Fone Sun).- 45] The Homology Structure of Sphere Bundles (with E.